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Our History

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Mission precedes vision. Doulos Theological College is the result of obedience of the divine vision Abraham and Molly Pothen received from the Lord All Mighty for planting churches among the needy areas of India. Both of them had the privilege to study at Fuller Theological Seminary, California. Abraham received his Masters and Ph.D. in Intercultural Studies and Molly received her Masters and Doctor of Missiology from Fuller.

In order to train and equip committed students to share the love of Jesus with those who have not known and experienced this great news , the initial step was launched in 1993, which was giving short term gaining in missiological insights to theological graduates through the Doulos Leadership Training Center. After few years, the candidates for pioneer ministries were not enough to meet the need.

In 1996, the Lord encouraged them to start the Doulos Theological College to equip mission leaders and mold them for effective leadership and pioneer church ministry in India.

By recognizing God’s call to women in Christian ministry, in 2000 a separate training school was launched to equip the women for mission. In 2011, another school was started – Doulos Theological Institute in Nagari, Andhra Pradesh for Telugu speaking people.

Now hundreds of Doulos graduates, both men and women are working effectively in twenty two states of India and several countries. Certainly Doulos is a place where servant leaders are equipped. With Paul the Apostle, the graduates of DTC proudly say “we are the Doulos (bond servants) of Jesus Christ”.

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